Mongolia includes CNN's 2013 travel wish list
(CNN) -- We've all got them: places that live large in imagination or memory, begging us to hop on a plane to uncover their delicious mysteries. As the new year kicks off, a handful of our very well-traveled CNN correspondents -- who've been places and seen things many of us may never see firsthand -- share their destination wishes for 2013 and beyond. Where are you dreaming of visiting this year? Please share your picks in the comments below. 8 travel resolutions for 2013 Mongolia Senior International Correspondent Ben Wedeman set his sights on Mongolia early in life. "Back when I was, I think, nine or ten years old I read a book about Marco Polo, how he traveled with his uncles on the ultimate business trip to the Mongol Empire at its height," wrote Wedeman, who recently moved to Rome after an assignment in Cairo . "The trip lasted almost a quarter of a century, during which he grew up, mastered Mongolian, gained the confidence o...